
Odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania i rozwiązywanie problemów

Odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania i rozwiązywanie problemów

How do I pick up the lower bobbin thread?

  1. Raise the presser foot and the needle to their highest positions.

  2. With your left hand, hold the end of the upper thread.
    With your right hand, turn the balance wheel toward you (counterclockwise) until the needle moves down and back up again to its highest position.

    Upper thread
  3. The upper thread should have caught the lower thread in a loop.
    Pull the upper thread toward you and the lower thread will come up from the bobbin in a large loop.
    Lower thread loop 1 Upper thread

    2 Lower thread loop
  4. Pull out about 15 cm (6") of both threads and place them toward the back of the machine straight behind the presser foot.
    The upper thread should pass between the toes of the presser foot.
    Lower thread 1 Upper thread

    3 Lower thread

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