
Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

When I try to load data from a CSV file into P-touch Editor for Mac, the characters in the data become garbled.

This problem will be solved if you use the latest version of P-touch Editor (Version 5.1.105 or later).
Download and install the latest version of P-touch Editor from the [Downloads] section.


If the issue is not resolved or you will use an older version, refer to the following:

Change the encoding of the file to UTF-8 in the text editor that you are using.

The procedure varies between different text editors.

How to change file encoding in TextEdit:


  1. Open TextEdit.
  2. Click [TextEdit] > [Preferences] in the menu bar.
  3. Click the [Open and Save] tab.
  4. Select "Unicode (UTF-8)" from the drop-down list in "Plain Text File Encoding" > "Saving Files".
    Preferences window
  5. Close the Preferences window.
  6. Open the CSV file again, and then save it.

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