
Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

How do I sew an applique?

  1. Cut out the applique, leaving a seam allowance of between 3 and 5 mm (1/8 and 3/16 inch).
    Cut out the appliqué 1 Seam allowance

  2. Place a pattern made of thick paper or stabilizer on the back of the applique, and then fold over the seam allowance using an iron.
    fold over the seam allowance using an iron

  3. Turn the fabric over, and then baste or fuse it onto the fabric that it will be attached to.
    baste or fuse the appliqué onto the fabric that it will be attached to. 1 Basting stitching
  4. Attach zigzag foot "J".
    zigzag foot "J"

  5. Select a stitch.(ex. Appliqu stitch, Appliqu stitch)

  6. Turn the handwheel toward you (counterclockwise), and then begin sewing around the edge of the applique, making sure that the needle drops just outside of the applique.
    begin sewing around the edge of the applique


    When sewing around corners, stop the machine with the needle in the fabric just outside of the applique, raise the presser foot lever, and then turn the fabric as needed to change the sewing direction.

    When sewing around corners, stop the machine with the needle in the fabric just outside of the appliqué, raise the presser foot lever

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