Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

Vanlige spørsmål og feilsøking

No Paper / No Paper T1

The machine failed to feed paper from the indicated paper tray.

Check the following points to clear the error message.


  • Refill paper in the paper tray indicated on the machine's display. Make sure the paper guides are set to the correct size.
  • If paper is in the tray, remove it and load it again. Make sure the paper guides are set to the correct size.
  • Do not overfill the paper tray.
  • Paper dust has accumulated on the surface of the paper pick-up rollers.
    Clean the paper pick-up rollers.
    > Click here to see how to clean the paper pick-up roller.
  • The paper you are using may not meet our specifications. Check that you use the paper that meets our specifications.
    > Click here to see the details of the recommended paper.

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