
Preguntas frecuentes y solución de problemas

Preguntas frecuentes y solución de problemas

When I try to use Numbering function, an error occurs.

When the last number to be printed is smaller than the one that you selected in the text, the error message appears.

  • To use the Numbering function :

    1. Type the text.

    2. Press key to move the cursor under the number that you wish to increase.

    3. Press key. "key " appears on the LCD display.

    4. Continue pressing keyor key until "PRINT OP" is displayed.

    5. Press key.

    6. Press key until "NUMBER" is displayed.

    7. "1 - 9?" appears.

    8. Type the last number to be printed.

    9. Presskey or key to print the labels

  • Example - to make the following labels :


    1. Type "ABC3"

    2. Move the cursor under "3"

    3. Press key , and "key" appears.

    4. Continue pressing key or keyuntil "PRINT OP" is displayed.

    5. Press key.

    6. Press key until "NUMBER" is displayed.

    7. "1 - 9?" appears.

    8. Type the last number to be printed "5".

    9. Press key or key to print the labels.

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