
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

The "Pivot" key can not be selected.

  • If "NEEDLE POSITION" in the machine settings screen is set to the raised position, the pivot function cannot be used. In that case, the key appears as a dotted line and is not available.
    In the following procedures, please change setting.


    1. Press .
    2. On the machine settings screen, select for the "NEEDLE POSITION".


  • When the setting is selected, the pivot function can only be used with stitches where presser foot J, N, C or O is indicated in the upper-left corner of the screen.
    If any other stitch is selected, the key appears as a dotted line and is not available.
    Please change the stitch.


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Modelli correlati

NX-2000, QC-1000

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