
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

How to use the Roll Holder Locks (Optional)

Install the roll holder locks to securely fix the roll guide. The roll holder locks can be combined to achieve one of four different roll widths, as follows:

Roll Width Roll Holder Lock 1 Roll Holder Lock 2 Roll Holder Lock 3 Combination
105.6 mm Check - - A
101.6 mm Check - Check B
84 mm Check Check - C
80 mm Check Check Check D


  Combinations (L/R Symmetrical)   Combinations (L/R Symmetrical)

Roll Holder Lock 1



Roll Holder Lock 1+ Roll Holder Lock 2



Roll Holder Lock 1+ Roll Holder Lock 3



Roll Holder Lock 1+ Roll Holder Lock 2 + Roll Holder Lock 3



  • Use Roll Holder Lock 2 by installing it with the included screws provided with Roll Holder Lock 1.
    Roll Holder Lock 2
  • Use Roll Holder Lock 3 by attaching it to Roll Holder Lock 1 or Roll Holder Lock 2 with double-sided tape.
    Roll Holder Lock 3 comes with double-sided tape attached in three locations. Make sure you remove the paper backing from the double-sided tape before using it for the first time.
    Roll Holder Lock 3

    Always install the left and right roll holder locks in the same configuration on both sides.
    Incorrectly secured rolls may dislocate and damage the printer.


Install the Roll Holder Lock

  1. Fasten the claw hook of Roll Holder Lock 1 in the roll guide hole.
    Roll Holder Lock 1

  2. Push down the roll holder lock.
    Roll Holder Lock 1

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