
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

How to create serialized labels (Pro Label Tool)

The screens may differ depending on your device.

Make sure you select the item from the [Field] drop-down list for each of the lines that you want to include on your printed label.


  1. Tap [Connect database/serialize] in the edit screen, and then select [New Data to serialize].
    Edit screen

  2. Select [Enter data...serialize] and type the number you like, and then tap [Serialize].
    Edit screen

  3. Tap the [Range] box and specify the range you want.

  4. Set the values you want in the [Incremented by] and [Count] fields, and then select "" in [Output direction].

    Incremented by: increase per count
    Count: number of entries per series

    For example, when setting [Incremented by] to "1" and [Count] to "4", the labels will be serialized as follows: P1 P2 P3 P4.
    Edit screen

    To serialize multiple selected ranges, select the [Advanced serialize] check box, and then specify the necessary items.

  5. Tap [DONE]. The contents set in step 4 appear in the [Database] list. 
    Edit screen

  6. Pull down the [Database] area, and then tap [Print].
    tap Print

  7. Swipe up and check the preview.
    check the preview

  8. Tap [PRINT].

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