
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

The print quality is poor.

Check the following:

Is the media loaded correctly?

  • Make sure that both sides of the Media Compartment Cover are fully closed.
  • Install the correct media.

Are dust or adhesive accumulated on the Print Head or Platen Roller?

Clean the Print Head and Platen Roller. For details, see the FAQ: "How to clean the Print Head" or "How to clean the Platen Roller".


Is the print density set correctly?

Adjust the print density and print speed.

Run the printer self-test and check the Print Head test pattern for missing dots. For details, see the FAQ: "How to execute the printer configuration (Self-test) to debug".

If the problem still occurs, contact your reseller or Brother Customer Service for assistance.

Se la domanda non ha trovato risposta, provare a controllare altre FAQ.

Sono stati consultati i manuali?

Per richiedere ulteriore assistenza, contattare il servizio assistenza clienti Brother:

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