
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

How to remove the fabric from the machine when sewing cover stitches.

  1. By hand, turn the handwheel toward you until the needle is at its highest position.
    The mark (A) on the handwheel is aligned with the line (B) on the machine when needles are at their highest position.



  2. Raise the presser foot.



  3. Slowly pull the fabric in the direction of the arrow.


    Be sure to pull the fabric to the back.


  4. Cut the needle threads, which come out from the surface of the fabric.



  5. Slowly pull the fabric in the direction of the arrow so that the ends of the needle threads are pulled to the back of fabric.



  6. Cut the looper thread.


    We recommend using scissors to cut the looper thread. Scissors can also be used to cut the machine threads.


  7. Pull all threads at the back of the fabric. Tie all threads together and cut.



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