
FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

"There is a pattern out of the effective area. The pattern cannot be cut or drawn. OK to continue?" message appearing on the LCD.
What does it mean?

There is a pattern(s) outside of the cutting area.
If the pattern(s) outside of the cutting area need(s) not to be cut out or drawn, continue the operation.
To cut out or draw the pattern(s) outside of the area, increase the setting for “Cut Area”, or move the pattern(s) into the area specified with “Cut Area”.

Perform the necessary operation according to the instructions or the solution described.
If the problem persists, contact the retailer who sold you this machine or the nearest authorized service center.


Se la domanda non ha trovato risposta, provare a controllare altre FAQ.

Sono stati consultati i manuali?

Per richiedere ulteriore assistenza, contattare il servizio assistenza clienti Brother:

Modelli correlati

CM260, CM300, CM600, CM700, CM840, CM900

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