
Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

The data imported from a CSV file is not included on the printed label. (Pro Label Tool)

The screens may differ depending on your device.

Make sure you select the item from the [Field] drop-down list for each of the lines that you want to include on your printed label.


  1. Tap [Connect database/serialize] in the edit screen.
    Edit screen

  2. Select the CSV file you want to import.
  3. If the first line of your CSV file is a header, select [First line as header], and then tap [Next].
    Edit screen

  4. Select the item from the [Field] drop-down list for each of the lines that you want to include on your printed label.
    Edit screen

  5. Tap the tick icon.
    Edit screen

  6. Tap [PRINT].

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