
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

The printer does not turn on, so I cannot print.

Check the following:


  • Is the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery installed?
    Is the AC Adapter connected to the printer?

    If not, install the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery or connect the AC Adapter to the printer.
  • Is the USB Type-C® AC Adapter connected to the printer without the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery being installed?
    Because the USB Type-C AC Adapter is used only for charging the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery, the printer does not turn on or print without the battery being installed. 
    Make sure the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery is installed before turning the printer on.
  • Is the remaining charge in the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery low?
    If the remaining charge is low, charge the Rechargeable Li-ion Battery.

If the problem continues, contact Brother customer service.


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