
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Supported File Formats and how to print on Raspbian (Linux®)

Supported File Formats
We recommend using the lpr command only when printing the following formats: PDF, PS, TXT, and JPG.

To print other file formats, print directly from the application supporting that file format.


  • To print using a terminal
    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Use the following command:
      MODEL print_file_name
      To change the print settings, use the "-o" switch:
      lpr -P MODEL -o PageSize=62X1  print_file_name
  • To print from an application
    1. Open the file you want to print.
    2. In the application you are using, go to the print dialog box.
    3. In the print dialog box, select "PJ/QL/TD model" as the printer name.

If the print jobs are not printed successfully, make sure you have correctly configured the printer's IP address or node name using the lpadmin command.

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