
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

How to save a label file

You can save up to 15 labels and recall them for printing at a later date.
A maximum of 80 characters can be saved per file, a maximum of 1,200 characters can be saved in total memory.

You can also edit and overwrite the stored labels.  For opening a stored label file, see "How to open / print a stored label file". 

  1. Enter text.
  2. Press the [Menu] key.
  3. Press the Cursor key ( Cursor keys ) to select [File], and then press the [OK] key. 
  4. Press the Cursor key to select [Save], and then press the [OK] key.

    "01:" is displayed ( "Save" display ). 
  5. Press the Cursor key to select a number to which you want to save the label file, and then press the [OK] key.  A message "Accepted" is displayed for approximately one second.

    If you try to store a label when there is already a label stored to that number, a message "Overwrite OK?" appears.

    Press the [OK] key to save your new label.  Press the Escape key ( Escape key ) to cancel.

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