
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

What are the Print Options and how do I use them?

The following Print Options are available:


You can print a series of up to nine labels using auto-numbering. Use this feature to automatically increase a selected number by 1 after each one is printed.


<Example> To print copies of a label containing a serial number (0123, 0124 and 0125)


  1. Enter numbers.


  2. Move the cursor to the last number using the Cursor key ( Cursor key / Cursor key (PT-D202) ).


  3. While holding down the Shift key ( Shift key / Shift key ), press the Print key ( Print key / Print key (PT-D202) / Print key ).


  4. Select [Numbering] using the Cursor key ( Cursor key / Cursor keys (PT-D202) ) and press the [OK] key.


  5. Press the Cursor key ( Cursor key / Cursor keys (PT-D202)  ) to select the highest number you wish to be printed.

  6. Press the [OK] key.


Use clear tape when using this function so that the labels can be read correctly from the back side when attached to glass, windows or other transparent surfaces.
Mirror Sample


  1. Enter text or characters.


  2. While holding down the Shift key ( Shift key / Shift key ), press the Print key ( Print key / Print key ).


  3. Select [Mirror] using the Cursor key ( Cursor key / Cursor keys (PT-D202) ) and press the [OK] key.


  4. When [Mirror Print?] appears, press the [OK] key.

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