
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

What are the Differences between Roll Feeder and Roll Feeder 2?

Roll Feeder 2 (CADXRF2) has been improved the following from Roll Feeder (CADXRF1):


  • Added the Material support sheet on the Base attachment.

    Roll Feeder has no material support sheet.


  • Added the Leader Sheet.



Due to the above two improvements, there are the follwoing two functional differences:


  1. Compatible material roll orientation
      Roll Feeder Roll Feeder 2

    Rolled with the backing paper on the OUTSIDE
    (1) backing paper (backing film)

    NG OK
    Rolled with the backing paper on the INSIDE
    (1) backing paper (backing film)
    OK OK

  2. Material thickness (including backing paper or backing film)
    Roll feeder Roll Feeder 2
    0.21 – 0.35 mm 0.15 mm - 0.5 mm


  • The Premium Function to use Roll Feeder function is common to Roll Feeder and Roll Feeder 2.
  • CADXRF1 has ended production in August 2021.


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