Innov-is XP1

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

"The wireless security information (Authentication method, Encryption method, Network Key) is incorrect." message appears on the LCD. What does it mean?



This message is displayed when the wireless security information (Authentication method, Encryption method, Network Key (password)) is incorrect.




Refer to the table below. and reconfirm the wireless security information (authentication method, encryption method and network key (password)).


Your machine supports the following authentication methods:

Authentication method Encryption method
WPA-Personal TKIP
WPA2-Personal TKIP
Open WEP
None (without encryption)
Shared key WEP


For more information, refer to "How to find the security information (SSID and network key) for your home network."


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