
Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

How do I embroider on small pieces of fabric ?

This section provides information on embroidering fabric that is much smaller than the embroidery frame.


Embroidering small pieces of fabric

When embroidering pieces of fabric that are smaller than the embroidery frame, use spray fabric adhesive to attach the fabric to stabilizer (backing) hooped in the embroidery frame. With fabrics where you do not wish to use spray adhesive, baste the fabric to the stabilizer (backing).



(1) Fabric
(2) Stabilizer (backing)



Embroidering the corner of fabric

When embroidering the corner of a piece of fabric, use spray fabric adhesive to attach the corner of the fabric to stabilizer (backing), and then hoop the stabilizer (backing) in the embroidery frame. With fabrics where you do not wish to use spray adhesive, baste the fabric to the stabilizer (backing).




(1) Fabric
(2) Stabilizer (backing)



Embroidering narrow pieces of fabric, such as ribbon

When embroidering narrow pieces of fabric, use spray fabric adhesive to attach the fabric to stabilizer (backing), and then hoop the stabilizer (backing) in the embroidery frame. With fabrics where you do not wish to use spray adhesive, clamp both ends of the fabric, together with the stabilizer (backing), in the embroidery frame.




(1) Fabric
(2) Stabilizer (backing)


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