Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Save Scanned Data to a Folder as a PDF File Using ControlCenter2 (Macintosh)

  1. Load your document.
  2. In the Finder menu bar, click Go>Applications>Brother, and then double-click the (ControlCenter) icon.
    The ControlCenter2 screen appears.
  3. Click the SCAN tab.
  4. Click the File button.
    The scan settings dialog box appears.
  5. Click the File Type pop-up menu, and then select a PDF file.
    To save the document as a password-protected PDF, select Secure PDF (*.pdf) from the File Type pop-up menu, type your password in the Password and Re-type Password fields, and then click OK.
  6. Change the scan settings, such as file name, destination folder, resolution and colour, if needed.
  7. Click the Start Scanning button.
    The machine starts scanning. The file will be saved in the folder you selected.

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