Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Unable to Print 5X

The error message "Unable to Print 5X" or "Print Unable 5X" is an indication that the machine has a problem. The "5X" is a different error message depending on the condition of your machine.


  • The machine has a mechanical problem.

  • A foreign object such as a paper clip or ripped paper is in the machine.

Please follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  1. Open the scanner cover and remove any foreign objects and paper scraps from inside the machine. Click here to see how to remove the jammed paper.

  2. If the error message continues, disconnect the machine from the power for several minutes and reconnect it.

If the error message still continues, please contact Brother Customer Service from "Contact Us".

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