Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Uneven color density across the page

Uneven density appears periodically across the page


Check the following points to resolve the issue:


  1. Perform the color correction using the machine's display.
    > Click here to see how to correct the color printing.
  2. Adjust the copy density and contrast if you are copying.
  3. Clear the Improve Gray Color check box in the printer driver.
  4. Identify the color causing the issue and put in a new toner cartridge.

    To identify the color of the toner cartridge or replace toner cartridge, follow the steps below:


    1. > Click here to print the chart. [345KB/ PDF]
    2. Compare your printed document with the printed chart to identify the color that is uneven.
    3. Replace the toner cartridge of the color.
       > Click here to see how to replace the toner cartridge.
  5. Install a new drum unit.
     > Click here to see how to replace the drum unit.

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