Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Confirm the results about faxes that I sent and received.

You can use the Transmission Verification Report as confirmation that you sent a fax.
You can also use the Fax Journal which lists the last 200 incoming and outgoing faxes.


Transmission Verification Report

You can use the Transmission Verification Report as proof that you sent a fax. This report lists the receiving party's name or fax number, the time and date of transmission, duration of transmission, number of pages sent, and whether or not the transmission was successful.

> Click here to see how to print a Transmission Verification Report.



Fax Journal

The Fax Journal prints a list of information about your last 200 incoming and outgoing faxes. (TX means Transmit, RX means Receive)
You can set the machine to print a Fax Journal at specific intervals (every 50 faxes, 6, 12 or 24 hours, 2 or 7 days).

> Click here to see how to set the Fax Journal print intervals.


Printing the Fax Journal report on demand

You can print the Fax Journal report on demand by following the steps listed below. Please note that printing the Fax Journal report in this manner will NOT erase the call data in your Brother machine's memory.


Follow the steps below to print the Fax Journal report:


  1. Press Menu and select Print Reports > Fax Journal.
  2. Press Start.
  3. Press Stop/Exit.

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