Innov-is XE1

FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

How to embroider an appliqué pattern [Video instructions]

This instruction video shows the steps to create appliqué works using the appliqué pattern built into the following models.

Compatible machines

Innov-is XJ2, Innov-is XE2, Innov-is BP3700,
Innov-is XJ1*, Innov-is XE1*, Innov-is BP3600*

(The machines marked with "*" are required to activate with the Upgrade kit I)

Embroidery pattern Pattern category Pattern sub category Pattern number

1. Embroidery patterns


21. Appliqué 2




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  • The product or components shown in this video may differ from the ones that you are using.
  • Video contents may change without prior notice.


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