Innov-is NV880E

FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

How do I enter a line feed in the embroidery pattern?

Using the line feed key, multiple lines of text can be entered.

Each line becomes a group, each of which can be edited one at a time.



Example: Entering “High” in the second line of the following screen.





  1. Press image.



  2. Enter “High”.


  3. Press "Set".
    The editing screen is displayed.


  • To change the text before the line feed in the text input screen, press image, also to delete any text after the line feed.
  • When  image  is pressed to change the character size, the size of characters in the displayed line of text is changed. To change the size of characters in a different line of text, press image to erase text until the line to be changed appears, or resize the pattern in the pattern editing screen.
  • We recommend pressing image before entering a line feed in order to preview the pattern.




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