Innov-is XP3

FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

How do I attach or remove the embroidery frame ?

Wind and insert the bobbin before attaching the embroidery frame.



Attaching the Embroidery Frame


  1. Press the Presser Foot Lifter button to raise the presser foot.


  2. Align the embroidery frame guide with the right edge of the embroidery frame holder.
    image (1) Embroidery frame holder
    (2) Embroidery frame guide


  3. Slide the embroidery frame into the holder,
    making sure to align the embroidery frame’s image with the holder’s image.
    image (1) Arrow mark

  4. Lower the frame-securing lever to be level with the frame to secure the embroidery frame in the embroidery frame holder.
    image (1) Frame-securing lever

    If the frame-securing lever is not lowered, the message Make sure embroidery frame is moved as far back as possible. LOCK DOWN THE FRAME-SECURING LEVER. appears. You cannot start embroidering until you lower the framesecuring lever.






Removing the Embroidery Frame


  1. Press the Presser Foot Lifter button to raise the presser foot.

  2. Raise the frame-securing lever.


  3. Pull the embroidery frame toward you.



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