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Perguntas frequentes e Solução de problemas

Perguntas frequentes e Solução de problemas

What does it mean if the fax machine rings its pseudo-ring/ double-ring (F/T RING TIME) and there is not a voice call?

If you answer a call during the pseudo-ring/double-ring (F/T RING TIME) and it is not a voice call, you can assume you are probably receiving a fax from a machine that is not sending the Standard CNG fax tone. If you answered on the handset of the FAX, press the Fax/Start or Start/Copy key, wait for the LCD to display "Receiving" and then hang up. If you answered on an extension phone press the Fax Receive Code, *51 (*91 for New Zealand), wait to hear the FAX turn on and then hang up.

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