
  1. Download the target file to your Macintosh. The downloaded file is saved in the "Downloads" folder.
  2. Open the "Downloads" folder in the Dock and double click the downloaded file "xxxxxxxx.dmg". The Installer Disk Image will be mounted on your Desktop. You will find the "Start Here Mac" icon.

    If you don't find the "Downloads" folder in the Dock, click "Finder" in the Dock. Click "Go" on the "Finder" bar at the top of the screen and then click ("Home") => "Downloads".
    If you still have a problem finding the "Start Here Mac" icon, click "Finder" in the Dock and then click "Applications" => "Utilities". Open the "Disk Utility" and double click "xxxxxxxx.dmg". A new window will be opened and you will find the "Start Here Mac" icon.
  3. Double click the "Start Here Mac" icon. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.



步驟一: 此頁面的軟體對您有幫助嗎

步驟二: 如果您選擇了"沒幫助", 請於下方列表選擇其原因(可複選)


步驟三: 你有任何其他想要提出的意見嗎?

請注意, 此表格僅用做意見回饋使用