

  • You must be logged on as an Administrator.
  • If the "User Account Control" prompt is displayed, click "Continue".
  • For Windows 10 Users: All files saved in Windows 10 can be found in the Downloads folder. Go to step 3.
  1. Make a temporary directory on your HDD to save the downloaded file, e.g. C:\bront
  2. Start downloading.
  3. Once downloading is completed, double click the downloaded file.
  4. The installation will start. Please follow the installation directions.



步驟一: 此頁面的軟體對您有幫助嗎

步驟二: 如果您選擇了"沒幫助", 請於下方列表選擇其原因(可複選)


步驟三: 你有任何其他想要提出的意見嗎?

請注意, 此表格僅用做意見回饋使用