Hur du installerar

  1. Make a temporary folder on your HDD [hard disk drive] as the location to save the downloaded self-extracting file, e.g. C:\broisis
    - Use English characters for the folder name.
    - We do not recommend you making a folder on the desktop.
  2. Download the file to the temporary folder.
  3. Once the download is complete, open the temporary folder and double click on the downloaded file to extract it.
    Note (For For Windows 8 users):
    If you are having problems with the download procedure, please click here for troubleshooting steps.  
  4. A folder with the name "FBBM" will be automatically created.
  5. Open the "FBBM" folder and double click "Setup.exe".
  6. The installation will start. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

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