
PC-FAX driver (deb package)

PC-FAX driver (deb package)

Come effettuare l'installazione

  1. Download the driver.
  2. Login as a superuser (or use "sudo" option if required ).

  3. Check your fax device is connected to the telephone line outlet by telephone line cable.
  4. Install the drivers.
    1. Make sure the machine is connected to your computer and that they are both powered on.
    2. Open the terminal and go to the directory where the driver package is.
    3. Install PC-FAX driver.
        :  dpkg -i --force-all (PC-FAX package name)
  5. Try a test fax.
    Command  :  brpcfax -o fax-number=xxxxxxxx -o PageSize=A4 sample.pdf

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