
LPR printer driver (deb package)

LPR printer driver (deb package)

Come effettuare l'installazione

  1. Download LPR driver.
  2. Login as a superuser ( or use "sudo" option if required).
  3. Check if pre-required procedures are completed
    For Debian/Ubuntu 64bit
  4. Install the driver.
    1. Turn on the printer and connect the usb, network or parallel cable.
    2. Go to the directory where the driver is.
    3. Install LPR driver.The install process may take some time. Please wait until it is complete.
      Command  :  dpkg -i --force-all  (lpr-drivername)
    4. Check if the LPR driver is installed.
      Command  :  dpkg -l  |  grep  Brother
  5. Confirm/Configure a file according to your connection.


    1. Check the configuration filename for your distribution.
      openSUSE, Ubuntu, Debian : /etc/printcap
      Redhat, fedora, Mandriva : /etc/printcap.local

    2. Edit the file according to your connection.
      For USB Connection (Default)
      Check if the parameter of ":lp" is ":lp=/dev/usb/lp0"
      For Network Connection
      replace ":lp" line to the following 2 lines
      :rm=(ip address of your printer)\
      For Parallel Connection
      replace ":lp" line to the following line
    3. Restart the print system.
      Command  (for  lpr):  /etc/init.d/lpr  restart
      Command  (for  lprng)  :  /etc/init.d/lprng  restart

  6. Try a test print.


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