F/T Ring Time (Fax/Tel mode only)

If you set the Receive Mode to Fax/Tel, you need to decide how long the machine will signal you with its special pseudo/double-ring when you have a voice call. If it's a fax call, the machine receives the fax.
This pseudo/double-ring happens after the initial ringing from the phone company. Only the machine rings and no other phones on the same line will ring with the special pseudo/double-ring. However, you can still answer the call on any telephone.
Press Menu, 2, 1, 2.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose how long the machine will ring to alert you that you have a voice call (20, 30, 40 or 70 seconds).
Press OK.
Press Stop/Exit.
Note Note
Even if the caller hangs up during the pseudo/double-ringing, the machine will continue to ring for the set time.