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Charge Printable Pages

Use WeChat MiniProgram “兄弟云充” to charge printable pages. When the charge is empty, operations subject to billing cannot be performed. If the number of printable pages becomes near empty, it is recommended to charge it.
An administrator account is required to charge printable pages.

The following printing is not subject to billing. These operations are possible even if the charge is empty.

  • Print Quality Check Sheet
  • Adjustment Sheet (Alignment)
  • Network Configuration Report
  • WLAN Report

  1. Start WeChat MiniProgram "兄弟云充" on your mobile device, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. When the number of printable pages appears, tap 充值, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. When the charge amount list appears, select the option you want to charge, and then tap 充值.
  4. When the charging is successful, the 充值成功 message appears. Tap 确定.
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