Switching Users

This setting allows you to switch between registered restricted users or Public mode when Secure Function Lock is turned on.
Changing to the restricted user Mode
Hold down Shift as you press Secure.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose your name.
Press OK.
Enter your four-digit password.
Press OK.
Note Note
If you press a Mode key that is restricted, Access Denied will appear on the LCD and then the machine will ask your name. If you are a restricted user with access to this Mode, press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose your name and enter your four-digit password.
Changing to the Public Mode
After a restricted user has finished using the machine, it will return to the Public setting within the same time as the Mode Timer setting (Menu, 1, 1). (See Mode Timer.) You can also exit from the restricted user mode by pressing the current Mode key you are in. Then LCD will ask you Go to Public?
Press 1 to choose 1.Yes.