Time Zone (For MFC-9120CN and MFC-9320CW)

This field displays your country time zone. The time shown is the time difference between your country and Greenwich Mean Time. For example, the Time Zone for Eastern Time in the USA and Canada is UTC-05:00.
Press Menu.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Network.
Press OK.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose Time Zone.
Press OK.
Press Bsymbol.utri or Bsymbol.dtri to choose the time.
Press OK.
Press Stop/Exit.

Windows® Time Zone setting

You can see the time difference for your country by using the Time Zone setting in Windows®.
For Windows Vista®:
Click the Graphic button, Control Panel, Date and Time, and then Change time zone.
For Windows® XP and Windows Server® 2003/2008:
Click the Start button, Control Panel, Date and Time, and then choose Time Zone.
For Windows® 2000:
Click the Start button, Settings, Control Panel, Date/Time, and then choose Time Zone.
Change the date and time. Verify your time zone settings from the pull-down menu (this menu displays the time difference from GMT).