Advanced tab

Change the tab settings by clicking one of the appropriate icons:
Scaling (1)
Reverse Print (2)
Use Watermark (3)
Header-Footer Print (4)
Toner Save Mode (5)
Secure Print (6)
Administrator (7)
User Authentication (8)
Other Print Options (9)
Default (10)
Choose the Scaling setting (1).
Check Off if you want to print the document as it appears on your screen.
Check Fit to Paper Size if you want to enlarge or reduce the document to fit the paper size.
Check Free if you want to change the size.
Check Reverse Print to reverse the data from up to down (2).
You can print a logo or text onto your document as a Watermark (3). You can choose one of the preset Watermarks, or you can use a bitmap or text file that you have created.
You can print the date and time on your document from your computer's system clock. You can choose to restrict printing by PC login user name or ID number and name (4) (see Secure Function Lock 2.0 in the Network Users Guide).
You can save running costs by reducing the print density (5).
You can protect your document using a password (6).
You can limit access to functions such as scaling and watermark (7). To use this function, you need to have administrator privileges.
You can enter your ID and PIN number when you are restricted from PC print by the Secure Function Lock feature (8).
Click Other Print Options to set more printer functions (9).
If you want to return the settings to the default, click Default (10).

Use Watermark

You can put a logo or text into your document as a watermark. You can choose one of the preset Watermarks, or you can use a bitmap file that you have created. Check Use Watermark and then click the Settings... button.