Editing Sewing Stitch Patterns

Selecting sewing stitch patterns

  1. Click the [Home] tab.
  2. Click in the [Tools] group.
  3. Click the sewing stitch pattern.
    1. Rotation handle
    2. Handle

Moving sewing stitch patterns

Selected sewing stitch patterns can be dragged to move them.

To move the pattern horizontally or vertically, hold down the <Shift> key while dragging the pattern.

Editing sewing stitch patterns

Drag a handle of the selected sewing stitch pattern to adjust its size. Drag the rotation handle to rotate the pattern.

  • If the <Shift> key is held down while a handle is dragged, the pattern is enlarged or reduced from its center.
  • Click [Flip Vertical] in the [Edit] group to flip the selected pattern vertically (up/down).
  • Click [Flip Horizontal] in the [Edit] group to flip the selected pattern horizontally (left/right).
  • Using commands other than those mentioned above, selected patterns can be edited in other ways, for example, duplicated or their start point and end point swapped.

Reshaping sewing stitch patterns

  1. Click in the [Tools] group.
  2. Click a line in the sewing stitch pattern.
  3. Click a point to select it, and then edit it.
    1. Blue square: Start point
    2. Red square: End point
    3. Selected point
    • To move the point, drag it to the new location.
    • To insert a point, click the line to add a new point.

      A new point appears.

    • To delete the point, click , or press the <Delete> key.
      • To select multiple points, hold down the <Ctrl> key while clicking the points, or drag the pointer over the points.
      • Hold down the <Ctrl> key while pressing the key or key to change the selection direction toward the end point or start point.
      • Hold down the <Shift> while clicking a point to select all points between it and the last point previously selected.

Changing the sewing order

The beginning of stitching (start point) and the end of stitching (end point) can be switched. This allows the sewing stitch pattern to be edited so that the end of stitching for one pattern is closer to the beginning of stitching for the next pattern.

  1. Create a sewing stitch pattern.

    The sewing order is as shown below.

  2. Select all points and then click [Duplicate].

    The selected sewing stitch pattern is duplicated, and the duplicated point is selected.
    The sewing order of the duplicated sewing stitch pattern is as shown below.

  3. Click [Flip Vertical].

    The sewing order of the sewing stitch pattern is as shown below.

  4. Click [Swap] in the [Edit] group.

    The start point and end point of the selected sewing stitch pattern is switched.
    The sewing order is as shown below.

  5. Press the key to move the selected sewing stitch pattern.
    • Points can be selected by pressing the key while holding down <Shift>.

Importing sewing stitch patterns

Sewing stitch patterns provided with the application as .psf files can be imported and edited.

  1. Select a category from the [From] selector of the [Import] pane, and then click the sewing stitch pattern to be imported.
    1. The size of the pattern to be imported can be specified.
    2. Select this check box to maintain the original height-to-width proportion of the pattern.
  2. Click [Import].
    • If there is a pattern already in the Design Page, the new pattern will be added so that its start point is the end point of the previous pattern.