Extracting the outlines of an image

  1. In the Original Image Stage, click [To Line image].

    Original Image Stage.

  2. Selecting the colors to be used for the outlines, and then click [OK].
    1. Zoom slider
      Use this slider to adjust the zoom ratio for displaying the image.
    2. Tone slider
      Use this slider to reduce color tones in images where it is difficult to select the outline color.
    3. Noise reduction slider
      Use this slider to reduce image noise (distortions) in images where the outline is not clear.
    4. Click the outline color(s) to convert into black outlines.
    5. Displays the colors selected in 4. To deselect a color, clear the corresponding check box.
    6. To extract the color boundaries, click [Detect Outlines] check box.

      When the extracting color boundaries using [Detect Outlines], the colors are converted to line image as shown below.

    7. Click [Preview] to preview the line image in the Design Page.