PE-DESIGN Software Key

In order to use PE-DESIGN 11, the included "PE-DESIGN Software Key" must be plugged into a USB port of the computer.
The "PE-DESIGN Software Key" prevents unauthorized use of this software. The software cannot be started if the "PE-DESIGN Software Key" is not plugged in.

* Design is subject to change.

  • The "PE-DESIGN Software Key" cannot be used as USB media. Do not save embroidery files on the "PE-DESIGN Software Key" for transferring or storage.
  • When the "PE-DESIGN Software Key" is plugged into a USB port of the computer, the [AutoPlay] dialog box appears. Do not use this dialog box. Click to close the dialog box, and then start up PE-DESIGN 11.
  • When the message "Do you want to scan and fix PE-DESIGN (E:)?" appears, select [Continue without scanning] and then start up PE-DESIGN 11. The drive name for the PE-DESIGN differs depending on computers.
  • To unplug the "PE-DESIGN Software Key" from the computer, click [Start] - [File Explorer], right-click the "PE-DESIGN Software Key", and then click [Eject].
  • Do not format the "PE-DESIGN Software Key".
  • We recommend that you back up this software in order to prepare for unexpected problems.