
Home > Use the File Memory > Print, Open, or Delete a Saved Label File

Print, Open, or Delete a Saved Label File

  1. Press image.
  2. Select [Local Files], if it appears.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Press image or image to display Print, and then press OK.
    2. Press image or image to select a file, and then press OK.
    3. If the selection screen appears, select All or Range, and then press OK.
    1. Press image or image to display Open, and then press OK.
    2. Press image or image to select a file, and then press OK.
    1. Press image or image to display Delete, and then press OK.
    2. Press image or image to select a file, and then press OK.

      The Delete? message appears.

    3. Press OK.
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