


Regulatory Documents

Regulatory Documents


Release Date: 27/04/2018
Version: 11
Size: 0.31MB

Declaration of Conformity Document

Release Date: 29/01/2018
Version: 04
Size: 0.15MB

Declaration of Conformity Document (AC Adapter)

Release Date: 20/04/2016
Version: 04
Size: 0.26MB

This is the declaration that the optional accessories is in conformity with the essential requirements of all relevant directives and regulations applied within the European Community.

Release Date: 21/12/2018
Version: 01
Size: 0.14MB

Declaration of Conformity Document (Car Adapter)

Release Date: 10/04/2018
Version: 01
Size: 0.08MB

Information for compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 801/2013

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