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FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:09/01/2024 ID:faqp00001461_033

How do I connect the printer and my computer via Bluetooth®? (Mac OS X 10.10 or later)

Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of your computer equipped with Bluetooth or Bluetooth adapter and install any necessary hardware and software.

  1. From the Apple menu, open [System Settings]/[System Preferences].
  2. Click [Bluetooth].
  3. Turn Bluetooth on.
  4. Turn the Bluetooth function on by using the LCD menu on your printer.
    1. Press the [Home/Bluetooth] key ( Home/Bluetooth ).
    2. Press Left or Right to display [Settings], and then press the [OK] key.
    3. Press Left or Right to display [Bluetooth], and then press the [OK] key.
    4. Press Up or Down to display [Bluetooth (On/Off)], and then press the [OK] key.
    5. Press Up or Down to select [On], and then press [OK] key.
    6. The Bluetooth icon appears on the LCD.
  5. After the printer name is displayed on your Mac screen, select it and click the [Connect]/[Pair] button.
  6. After the Bluetooth connection is established, "Connected" is displayed under the printer name.

A PIN may be required to pair the printer and the computer or Bluetooth adapter. The default PIN is the last four characters of the printer's serial number.

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