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Innov-is A150

FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:16/12/2022 ID:faqh00101650_000

How to use the Spanish Hemstitch Attachment (Optional accessory : SA220 / F090 / F090AP) [Video instructions]


Video instructions for how to use the Spanish Hemstitch Attachment.

The Spanish hemstitch attachment allows you to stitch the edges of fabric together with equally spaced or make decorative stitches. It also allows you to sew cords up to 3 mm in width onto the edges of fabric.

  • This movie is being streamed from YouTube.
  • The product or components shown in this video may differ from the ones that you are using.
  • The operation screen differs depending on the model.
    For details on how to select stitches and the stitches built into your machine, please refer to your machine's operation manual and pattern list.
  • Video contents may change without prior notice.
  • You can change the captions settings that are show in the YouTube video by clicking Captions (Captions).


>> For details, please refer to the operation manual.

SA220 / F090 / F090AP

Instruction Manual


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