FAQ 및 문제 해결


Innov-is A150

FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:04/06/2020 ID:faqh00101520_000

How do I retrieve a stitch pattern saved in the machine's memory?

Retrieving a stitch pattern from the machine's memory

  1. Press img01 (Preset utility stitch/saved stitch pattern key) once or twice until a list of saved stitch patterns like the one shown below is displayed.
    • When the message "OK to cancel the current pattern selection?" appers on the screen. Press OK key.
    • Press img03 (Back key) on the operation panel if you decide not to retrieve the stitch pattern.
    >> List of saved stitch patterns appears.
  2. Select the desired saved pattern using img05 (Settings screen page selection keys) or img06 (Item selection keys).

    >> The selected pocket is shown in reverse highlighting, and the stored stitch pattern is displayed.

    Use img09 (Value selection keys) to scroll the selected pocket horizontally to confirm the whole pattern.

  3. Check the contents, and then press OK key to retrieve the stitch pattern from the machine's memory.

    >> The selected stitch pattern is retrieved and the sewing screen will be displayed.

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