FAQ 및 문제 해결


Innov-is NV180

FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:01/06/2018 ID:faqh00101053_000

How do I retrieve stitch patterns saved in the machine's memory or a USB flash drive?

Follow the instructions below when you want to retrieve a stitch pattern saved in the machine's memory or the USB flash drive.


Retrieving stitch patterns from the machine's memory

  1. Press img01 .


  2. The pocket selection screen will then appear. Choose a stitch pattern you want to retrieve.


    • When there are a number of pages, you can switch pages by pressing img04 (the previous page key or next page key) on the operation panel.
    • Press img05 on the operation panel to return to the original screen without saving.
    • When pressing a thumbnail, the entire saved stitch pattern will appear.


    • If you press img07 (Delete key), the selected stitch pattern will be deleted.
      When pressing the delete key, a confirmation message appears. Press OK key.
      When you press OK key to delete the pattern , the selected stitch pattern will be deleted permanently.


  3. Press img09 (Set key).


  4. The selected stitch pattern is retrieved and the sewing screen will be displayed.





Recalling stitch patterns from USB flash drive

You can recall a specific stitch pattern from USB flash drive. If the stitch pattern is in a folder, check each folder to find the stitch pattern.


  1. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the machine.


  2. Press img13 .


  3. Select a folder. (Example: img15 [ bPocket ] ).


  4. Choose a stitch pattern you want to retrieve.


    • When there are a number of pages, you can switch pages by pressing img18 (the previous page key or next page key) on the operation panel.
    • Press img19 on the operation panel to return to the original screen without saving.
    • When pressing a thumbnail, the entire saved stitch pattern will appear.


    • If you press img25 (Delete key), the selected stitch pattern will be deleted.
      When pressing the delete key, a confirmation message appears. Press OK key.
      When you press OK key to delete the pattern , the selected stitch pattern will be deleted permanently.


  5. Press img22 (Set key).


  6. The selected stitch pattern is retrieved and the sewing screen will be displayed.



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