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FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:29/09/2023 ID:faqh00000004_007

Combination of fabric, thread and needle

Selecting the proper needle for use with the fabric and thread you are working with

The following chart applies to many different fabric, thread and needle combinations.

Fabric - Thread - Needles

Cloth Thread Needle (HLX5)
Specia fabric Velvet Silk, Polyester #30 – #50 #11 – #14
Quilt Polyester #20 – #50 #11 – #16
Synthetic Suede Polyester #20 – #50
Knit Polyester #20 – #50
Coating Polyester #50 #11 – #14
Light weight fabrics Lawn Cotton #80 #9
Tricot Polyester #60
Silk Georgette Silk #50
Wool Georgette Silk, Polyester #50 #11
Middle weight fabrics Gingham Cotton #60 – #80 #11 – #14
Lightweight Jersey Polyester #60 #11
Gabardine, Flannel Silk #50
Heavy weight fabrics Denim Cotton #20 – #50 #14 – #18
Jersey Polyester #20 – #50 #11 – #16
Tweed Silk #20 – #50



HLX5 Schmetz 130/705H
#9 #65
#11 #75
#14 #90
#16 #100
#18 #110


  • HLX5 needles are recommended; however, Schmetz 130/705H needles may also be used under normal sewing conditions.
  • Adjust the pressure adjustment dial and the feed dog adjustment knob according to the chart on the sewing machine.
  • When sewing on knit fabrics such as jersey or tricot, use a ballpoint needle or a needle designed for use with knit fabrics.
  • For best results when using metallic threads, sew with a good quality thread, set upper tension on 2, and use metallic needle.


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