FAQ 및 문제 해결



FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:14/09/2021 ID:faq00100216_508

Set Auto Power Off Mode

If the machine is in Deep Sleep Mode for certain length of time, based on your model and settings, the machine will go into Power Off Mode automatically. The machine does not go into Power Off Mode when the machine is connected to a network or a telephone line , or has secure print data in the memory.
  • To start printing, press on the control panel and then send a print job.
  1. Press [Settings]>[All Settings]>[General Setup]>[Ecology]>[Auto Power Off].
    If your machine displays the [All Settings] menu on the Home screen, skip the [Settings] menu.
  2. Press the [Off], [1hour], [2hours], [4hours] or [8hours] option you want.
  3. Press .

관련 모델


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