FAQ 및 문제 해결



FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

날짜:13/07/2018 ID:faq00000011_031

Hollow print

Print Quality Problem - Hollow print


Please check the following points to solve the problem:

  • Make sure that you use paper that meets our specifications.
    Please refer to the FAQs "What kind of paper can I use?" and "What is the recommended paper?"
  • Choose Thick Paper mode in the printer driver.
    Or use thinner paper than you are currently using.
  • Check the machine's environment. Conditions such as high humidity can cause hollow print.
    Please refer to Safety and Legal Guide or Product Safety Guide available on the Manuals section.
  • The drum unit may be damaged. Put in a new drum unit.
    Please refer to the FAQ "Replace Drum".

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