GYIK és hibaelhárítás



GYIK és hibaelhárítás

GYIK és hibaelhárítás

Dátum: 26/02/2009 Azonosító: faqh00000095_003

How do I clean the bobbin case?


  1. Remove the power plug from the outlet.
    Remove the power plug

  2. Raise the needle to its highest position, pull the latch and remove the bobbin case.
    remove the bobbin case

  3. Slide the latch levers out from the retaining ring.
    Slide the latch levers out

  4. Remove the retaining ring.
    Remove the retaining ring.

  5. Remove the hook by grasping the center post and pulling out.
    Remove the hook

  6. Note it’s position related to the driver.

  7. Remove any accumulated lint and thread with a brush.
    Remove any accumulated lint with a brush

  8. Clean the lint from the shuttle hook using a cloth dampened with machine oil.

  9. Grasp the center post of the hook, match the hook position opposite the driver and insert.
    Grasp the center post of the hook

  10. Insert the retaining ring with the notch up.
    Insert the retaining ring

  11. Push the latch levers into their locked position.Replace the bobbin cace.
    Push the latch levers

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